“We are overwhelmed with the image and can't believe how incredible it looks. Tom went as far as saying that the restoration has made his whole year.”
Glory can be restored to almost every old photograph. First, the surviving detail in your picture is captured in a scan (by you or by me). Then, this digital copy is repaired and enhanced - and coloured if required. And finally, at the end of the journey, I give you a beautiful new print (at the size you need to fit that special frame) and a file from which further prints can be made when you need them.
Significant enlargement is possible, too, because I work at a very high resolution.
"Don't hesitate to ask Will to undertake restoration work of your precious photos: I can truly say that he is an artist and brings total dedication and integrity to his work."
Contact Restoring Glory today, without obligation, to find out what could be achieved with your picture, and to start out on your own amazing journey.